Monthly Archives: November 2021

Planning your Bible Reading for 2022

Today is November 16, and it is the day 320 of 2021. This means that there are only 45 days left in 2021. There is much to do in those 45 days, isn’t there? We have the Thanksgiving holiday to celebrate. We have Christmas and all of its activities; and at the end of the 45 days there is New Year’s Day!

You probably are developing and executing your plans for the holidays. There are menus to plan, cards to send, shopping to be done, and visiting to be had. Have you started planning for 2022? Specifically, have you planned how you are going to go about your daily Bible intake. The planning for 2022 starts now.

I personally prefer to read the Bible through in a year. I know that there isn’t any chapter or verse to dictate that this is a must. However, I believe that we must be daily in the Word of God for spiritual growth, and I have found that the best way for me to accomplish this task is to attempt to read the Bible through in a year.

There have been times where I decided that I was going to try something else for my daily Bible intake, and it seems that it never really happened. So, around March, I was inconsistent with my daily Bible intake and I would start reading the Bible through in a year. Of course, I would try to catch up what I had missed. Sometimes I succeed and other times I didn’t. But I did find myself consistently in the Word of God.

There are many plans out there, but you need to do what works best for you. For me, I have found the plans developed by The Discipleship Journal to work best.

These plans know that there will be days that we will miss, so they have scheduled makeup/reflection days.

There main plan is the Discipleship Journal Plan; it has the reader read from four different parts of Scripture. There are only 25 readings for the month, so you will have makeup/reflection days.

The next plan is the 5x5x5 Bible Reading plan. In this plan you read the New Testament in 5 days a week for 5 minutes a day with 5 questions to help you dig deeper.

The plan that I use is the Book at a Time Bible Reading Plan. It takes you through the whole Bible in one year. There are two readings a day. The first reading alternates between the Old Testament and the New Testament. The second reading walks you through Psalms, Proverbs, and Isaiah. There are only six readings a week, with the seventh as a day of reflection; and there are no readings after day 28. So, you have time to reflect or makeup.

Here is a link for those Bible reading plans:

Start making your plans today for 2022. Read your Bible and pray, and you’ll grow, grow, grow!

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Filed under Devotional, Lighthouse